Saturday, October 6, 2012

Recapping the week

Saturday I had a blast at 3 Dogs and a Chick Bakery. Lots of dogs, treats, a buddies!

Sunday, mom had someone bring over a playmate for me, he stayed the whole week, his name is Dante, he is a 15month old Blue doberman. He was lots of fun to play with, since Alice got spayed she had to be separated from me for a while. I didn't like that. I just wanted to make her better.

Monday was the first time back at Agility in a while, got to see my kissy faced buddy Trip (he's a Golden Retriever).

Tues-Thurs. I didn't do much just got lots of bike rides with Dante. That was fun, but that dang young dog can run very fast.

Friday I was home with mom and was there to hold down the couch and comfort her when she sucked at bowling.

And today I got to go to the park!!!! But also I got the news that Alice will be going to her forever home next Saturday :( I'm gonna miss her